Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Unfought War on Radicl Islamism

The Unfought War on Islamism
To stay civilized and free, we can’t be ignorant.

By M. Zuhdi Jasser

In 1816, Thomas Jefferson proclaimed in a letter to a friend an adage that we should be heeding today: “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.”

Never was this advice more desperately needed — or more consciously avoided — than it is today. American’s educational system has seemed unwilling to enlighten our children to the nature, history, and implications of the war that has been declared on us and on free people in general by Islamist theocratic totalitarians. At best, the subject is entirely avoided in America’s classrooms; at worst, it is ascribed to causes that facts prove are untrue — such as poverty or American foreign policy.

Last August 2007, I was invited by a Phoenix-area high school teacher to address the entire student body on the anniversary of 9/11. I was to discuss the impact of 9/11 from the perspective of a devotional and activist anti-Islamist Muslim. But sadly, just a few days before the event, the principal canceled it. He cited his belief to the teacher that it is inappropriate to discuss matters of faith in public schools.

The teacher had scheduled a few other speakers that week including an American serviceman who had served in Iraq. To cover his bases, the principal cancelled all 9/11-related activities for the entire week. Once the word “Islam” entered a discussion on 9/11, this educator and the system he represented felt it better to sweep the entire discussion under the rug rather than expose his students to the real world issues. Fearing professional repercussions, the high school teacher asked that this story remain anonymous.

We have come the seventh anniversary of 9/11, and sadly, our educational system is still in a collective paralysis over “the Islamist threat.” No issue better encapsulates the long overdue battle of ideas domestically and globally against the Islamists than the woeful coverage our schools give 9/11 and the theology of political Islam.

In short, “political Islam” is a belief that Muslims have both a duty and obligation to promote the public application of their interpretation of sharia, and where possible, establish Islamic states. Terrorists do this by any means necessary; non-violent Islamists do it through patient advocacy and slow societal change.

Few would deny that our nation faces a clear and present danger physically and ideologically. Over 30 attacks against American citizens from radical Islamists have been prevented by our security forces since 9/11. This is not to mention all of the attacks which have been carried out from Bali to Spain to London since 9/11.

And yet, our schools are entirely avoiding the core reasons why these attacks occur. The curricula on 9/11 and the threat of Islamism are all but nonexistent.

When 9/11 is covered it is done so in platitudes with no critical inquiry into the role of radical Islamists or from where their ideology emanates. The fomenters of these attacks themselves have clearly and repeatedly stated the source of their beliefs and actions: they believe that it is their moral duty to conquer the world for Islam. Would it not stand to reason that students should be provided with a solid grounding on the recent history of the Middle East, discussing the ascendancy of both military secular dictatorships and political Islam, as two heads of a snake that has declared war on us?

Our Department of Homeland Security recently prohibited the internal use of terms like Islam, Islamism, salafism and jihad, all but stifling any discourse on or analysis of the influence of radical Islamism upon the very terrorists we are fighting. How can our government do any effective counterterrorism work if it can’t even identify the enemy or its ideologies? Multiply this willful blindness of our government by an order of magnitude, and you have an understanding of how thoroughly 9/11 is ignored by our schools.

Many have said that the primary solution to this conflict lies within the Muslim consciousness. This is true. The only antidote to the cultivation and corruption of theocratic pre-modern Islam is a liberal post-modern Islam. How will today’s students ever be able to address this challenge to our existence in the next few decades if they never even had an opportunity to understand it?

This blindness is not limited to 9/11 or Islam. It stands to reasons that an educational system that cannot effectively teach its students fundamental American principles like liberty, the Bill of Rights, freedom of the press, or freedom of religion, will also miss the ideological underpinnings of this global conflict. For the battle of ideas is not between faiths but rather between western liberal democracy and the theocratic oligarchy of Islamism. How many high school teachers get this, let alone their students? When up to 68 percent of college students are “unable to identify freedom of religion and of the press as rights that are guaranteed by the Bill of Rights,” is it any wonder that Islamism is ignored as a threat to the free world?

Terrorism is just a tactic. We are fighting an ideology that exploits the faith of Islam to advance the transnational agenda of Islamists. One of the driving forces of Islamism is the various permutations of the Muslim Brotherhood. How many students study them? Virtually none. Just as a high-school textbook should discuss Communist history in order to teach about the Cold War, so too should a discussion of 9/11 teach the roots of Islamist history in the Middle East: from the origins of Wahhabism t and its promotion by the House of Saud to the creation of the Muslim Brotherhood and its terrorist splinter groups. How can it not be relevant for students to learn about an organization with a manifesto or “Project” to take over the West? With no inquiry there can be no learning. With no inquiry we cannot defeat the ideology of Islamism.

Our nation has not faced such an unconventional enemy in our entire history. Certainly, students graduating believing that our enemies are just terrorists who happen to be radical will become liabilities as leaders in the development of a real battle of ideas.

Our schools are basically misapplying America’s separation of church and state to a prohibition of the study of political Islam and its terrorist offshoots. The principal of the Phoenix area school gave Islamists exactly what they wanted. For what better way for Islamists to avoid any intellectual deconstruction of political Islam in the west than to use our culture of respect for religions as a mechanism to avoid any critique while they thrive from our freedoms.

And the few times that some schools actually do venture into the study of Islam, they avoid discussion of political Islam while often employing self-serving representatives of the Muslim community who are apologists for Islamism — who exaggerate victimology, and minimize radicalism and the need for reform.

Ask a high school student, “why did 9/11 happen, and why were 15 of the 19 hijackers of Saudi Wahhabi origin?” and you are apt to get a blank stare.

The Denver Post reported September 11, 2007 on the stifled discussion of 9/11 in public schools,

No mandatory assemblies. No guest speakers or dedicated lesson plans. Most teachers in Colorado won’t teach any special curriculum today, the sixth anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the United States…

A study of national curricula also printed last 9/11 by the National Council for the Social Studies pointed out the avoidance of any substantive discussion in American classrooms of the details of the events of 9/11 or their causes. The report stated, “Overall, however, none of the texts or materials we examined challenged students to critically examine the roots of the attacks. . . . ”

If public education wasn’t problem enough, there exist charter schools and parochial Islamic schools that are aggressively and openly Islamist. The Tarek Ibn Ziyad Academy in Minneapolis, as Katherine Kersten has reported, is a glaring example of what can happen when Islamists run charter schools. The Islamic Saudi Academy of Virginia, a Saudi embassy-run school has been exposed by the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom as an institution teaching hate on our soil. It may be wise to look at all Islamic parochial schools on American soil and review what they are teaching with regards to sharia, American law, American history, and the cause of 9/11. Our American Islamic Forum for Democracy has outlined a nine-point guide as a starting point to discern non-Islamist from Islamist Islamic schools.

Many of us have been suffocated by the political correctness of the mainstream media. They have shielded any genuine exposure or criticism of the ideology of Islamism. The American people are capable of making the distinction between the faith of Islam and the transnational goals of political Islam as long as they are presented the facts on the subject. Without that education, we will be incapable of winning the contest of ideas which we have yet to begin.

This year there were no invitations for me to speak to any high school student bodies about the impact of 9/11 upon our world. It seems that fewer and fewer students are learning much nowadays about the theocratic ideologies which fuel our enemies.

The only thing worse than some high school students not understanding the real causes of Islamist terror is knowing that my tax dollars are going towards programming them to neglect the entire threat, if not absurdly teaching them that the cause is somehow rooted in American policies or Muslim poverty.

Students entering high school today were barely seven years old on 9/11. Soon students in high school will only know 9/11 through their history texts and video libraries. We stand poorly prepared to counter the clear and present danger of Islamism.

It is time to heed Thomas Jefferson’s advice. We must begin the process of addressing and teaching our children the real causes of Islamist terrorism, so that by the time they become adults, they will not only be capable, but morally empowered to defend America and our freedoms against the Islamist ideology, which is bent on their destruction.

M. Zuhdi Jasser is the founder and chairman of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy based in Phoenix Arizona. He is a former U.S. Navy Lieutenant Commander, a physician in private practice, and a community activist.

Has America Forgotten?

by David Beamer

9/11 Family Member

We now have the distance of time since that horrific day in September. What are people thinking across the nation? Many Americans doubt a catastrophic attack could happen again. Others believe that a more "sensitive" foreign policy will cause terrorists to retire. Some even believe the US government orchestrated 9/11.

It is one thing to forget the meaning of the past but it is worse when this attitude blinds us to the dangers of the future. What is the reality? It could be called World War III. This enemy differs from those of prior wars. They have no state. They do not wear uniforms. They place no value on human life. The enemy is Radical Islam. And Radical Islamists are on a unified mission is to force the Western world to live according to Sharia, strict Islamic law. They will give you three choices: conversion, submission, or death.

This is the one way this war is similiar to others -- our enemy wants to replace our way of life with their own. This jihad is not just about changing our foreign policy. Make no mistake about it. Radical Islamists do not believe in civil liberties, religious freedom, or other basic human rights. In the eyes of this enemy, a society with a rule of law based upon Western values must either be converted or eliminated.

Terrorism against civilians is their most sickening and overt strategy. However, we must recognize that Radical Islamists are also using hidden strategies. Propaganda, infiltration of American institutions, and using our own legal protections against us are just a few of the covert efforts underway. Investigators have recently uncovered Radical Islamist manifestos describing how to destroy the West from within using this type of "cultural jihad." This is not just a theory.

The goal of all this is to cause us to lose our collective will to fight, to diminish our resolve over time, to embrace apathy, to consider the cost too high. Will the patience of our enemy pay off? Aren't we forgetting the meaning of 9/11 more and more with each passing day? If this continues, our enemy will care more about destroying our way of life than we will care about defending it.

David Beamer is the father of Todd Beamer, the United Airlines 93 passenger who heroically fought the terrorists in the cockpit. The plane crashed during the battle. Its intended target was believed to be the White House or US Capitol Building.

Team Sarah

I recently ran across a great website called Team Sarah
it is listed in my links section in the menu on the right.Inside you can find a lot of great support for Sarah Palin.Please take a minute and drop by,better yet,join up!Be a regular for Sarah.

Our economy and Obama.

With President Elect Obama ready to take office,I am sure he cannot fix our economy with his far left ideas.As a matter of fact,He will have to leave the ideas of the far left and swing to the middle or to the right to help it.I am saying he will follow some of Ronald Reagan's ideas.Conservatism works again.So,if I am correct,what is the leftist media going to say?They are going to say he is brilliant and he gets all the credit.Be ready ,it is coming everyone.

Obama and the stock market

President Elect Obama and
the Coming Stock Market Crash

How destructive to the U.S. economy would a Barack Obama presidency be?

An exclusive Newsmax analysis warns: There could be a very rough time ahead.

Beneath Obama's flowery rhetoric lies a dangerous economic plan that will wreak havoc on the American economy.

Obama plans to return to the failed policies of high taxation coupled with an expansion of government spending.

Worse, Obama says he is absolutely committed to almost doubling the capital gains rate — something he will easily accomplish with a Democrat Congress.

In the coming months — when investors realize that Obama will raise the cap gains rate — there could be a stampede of asset sales as investors rush to take their profits now to avoid Obama's doubling of the tax rates next year.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Hezbollah-Latin American Ties Become More Evident

I have been traveling, but am somewhat surprised at how little attention the recent multi-country drug bust firmly tying Hezbollah to Latin American drug trafficking structures has received.

This is the clearest publicly-available case that shows how organized criminal groups and terrorist organizations are broadening and strengthening their links. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), responsible for several significant busts recently, led this one too.

The operation has been underway for several years, and has yielded a trove of information on Hezbollah’s ties to the Lebanese diaspora in Latin America, and the money ring that stretches through Venezuela, Panama, Guatemala, Hong Kong, the United States, Europe and Lebanon. The size of the network, the ability to function across religious and ethnic lines, and ability of all groups to profit from the criminal enterprise should give one pause.

The profits from the sales of drugs went to finance Hezbollah,” said Gladys Sanchez, lead investigator for the special prosecutor’s office in Bogota, in an interview. “This is an example of how narco-trafficking is a theme of interest to all criminal organizations, the FARC, the paramilitaries and terrorists.”

Ms. Sanchez is exactly right. The contours of the pipeline are easy to identify. The regime of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela has allowed Iranian banks to operate, brought in flights whose passengers are not registered, and issued multiple identification cards to Iranian and Syrian individuals.

The FARC, in Colombia, in turn, exporting some 250 tons of cocaine through Venezuela, who allows the rebels to pay off generals in charge of specific ports. Chavez has to do this, in part, to buy peace in the military, who have grown tired of his antics and his inability to fulfill his promises.

So, Iran sponsors Hezbollah and allies with Chavez. Chavez sponsors the FARC and allies with Iran. The FARC has the dope, Hezbollah has the international distribution network, having been involved in heroin traffic and organized criminal activities for years.

What is alarming to me is that, despite Hezbollah’s stated intention to attack the United States and Iran’s evident interest in having the ability to strike at the United States, this alliance (and the Chavez-Iran alliance) attract very little attention at senior policy levels.

Perhaps it is the end-of-administration syndrome, coupled with the Iraq-Afghanistan energy and attention suck, that allow these events to pass almost unnoticed. Yet this pipeline is in a far better position to strike the United States than the Sunni terrorist structures operating out of Afghanistan.

We can see how they are funded, and that there is a clear interest in expansion. What we don’t see is many people paying attention.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Obama and the free handouts to illegals.

This post is about Obama and the free handouts to illegals.
Below is a email I received from News Max

Obama's campaign is trying to stop our TV ad from running!

We have struck a real nerve.

On Friday four broadcast television stations in the key battleground stations have contacted us and said the Obama camp is denying a key allegation in one of our hard-hitting TV ads.

They even demanded that the stations stop running our TV ad.

As you know, we at the Republican National Trust PAC are spearheading the effort to expose Obama as the radical he is and defeat him on Election Day.

In our TV ad we expose Obama's radical policy toward the nation's 12 million illegal aliens.

You can see the our ad "Obama Wants Social Security for Illegals" by Going Here Now.

Specifically, the Obama campaign says Obama does NOT support giving illegal aliens Social Security benefits.

It is a blatant lie — but typical of Obama.

They are clearly frightened by the National Republican Trust, our ads and the fact the the public will find out about Obama's radical agenda.

You can help us fight Obama and keep running our TV ad exposing his radicalism — Go Here Now.

In fact, Obama is not only wants to give Social Security benefits to illegals, he also backs giving them driver's licenses, free government Medicaid and health care, welfare benefits and even cheap in-state college tuition.

We have the evidence to back up our claims and are working with the stations to get our TV ad back up and running.

We are providing the station's documentation, which includes our Fact Sheet: Obama's Dismal Record on Illegal Aliens.

As our Fact Sheet reveals Obama favors granting 12 million illegals amnesty and citizenship — which makes them immediately eligible for all government benefits — including Social Security.

But Obama also voted in the Senate against an amendment which would have banned illegals getting Social Security benefits.

We have Obama nailed on this one.

Obama is doing his usual two-step: he takes one radical liberal position when voting, and now, facing a general election, pretends he is really a moderate and never held such a position.

This time he has been caught!

Please help us continue airing this ad in key battleground markets around the country.

If you needed proof we are on the right track — and we are hurting Obama and winning votes — his action to stop our ad proves that he's deeply worried about our campaign.

Send Obama a message: he can't stop us.

Take a moment to donate today and make a difference — Go Here Now.

The race is tightening. Every vote will count. Every dollar we raise can make a difference!

Thank you.

Scott Wheeler
Executive Director

Election Time-where are the Republicians?

ok,we`re in the final home stretch.Many polls show Obama in the lead,some by double digits..I think they are exaggerating the polls.Obama and his bunch are a lying and arrogant lot.He has lied about mostly everything and the media don`t gig him on it.Well,one does,Fox News,but they are not doing enough in my opinion.They are too nice.Question?
Why hasn`t more Republicans helped John McCain?

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Welcome Aboard!

Welcome.Here you will find views from an American Patriot.You may agree or disagree with them.Fine.I do not claim to know everything,but some things I do know.
The purpose of this blog is to get the word out about how the enemies from without and from within this good Country are trying to destroy our way of life.