Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Hezbollah-Latin American Ties Become More Evident

I have been traveling, but am somewhat surprised at how little attention the recent multi-country drug bust firmly tying Hezbollah to Latin American drug trafficking structures has received.

This is the clearest publicly-available case that shows how organized criminal groups and terrorist organizations are broadening and strengthening their links. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), responsible for several significant busts recently, led this one too.

The operation has been underway for several years, and has yielded a trove of information on Hezbollah’s ties to the Lebanese diaspora in Latin America, and the money ring that stretches through Venezuela, Panama, Guatemala, Hong Kong, the United States, Europe and Lebanon. The size of the network, the ability to function across religious and ethnic lines, and ability of all groups to profit from the criminal enterprise should give one pause.

The profits from the sales of drugs went to finance Hezbollah,” said Gladys Sanchez, lead investigator for the special prosecutor’s office in Bogota, in an interview. “This is an example of how narco-trafficking is a theme of interest to all criminal organizations, the FARC, the paramilitaries and terrorists.”

Ms. Sanchez is exactly right. The contours of the pipeline are easy to identify. The regime of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela has allowed Iranian banks to operate, brought in flights whose passengers are not registered, and issued multiple identification cards to Iranian and Syrian individuals.

The FARC, in Colombia, in turn, exporting some 250 tons of cocaine through Venezuela, who allows the rebels to pay off generals in charge of specific ports. Chavez has to do this, in part, to buy peace in the military, who have grown tired of his antics and his inability to fulfill his promises.

So, Iran sponsors Hezbollah and allies with Chavez. Chavez sponsors the FARC and allies with Iran. The FARC has the dope, Hezbollah has the international distribution network, having been involved in heroin traffic and organized criminal activities for years.

What is alarming to me is that, despite Hezbollah’s stated intention to attack the United States and Iran’s evident interest in having the ability to strike at the United States, this alliance (and the Chavez-Iran alliance) attract very little attention at senior policy levels.

Perhaps it is the end-of-administration syndrome, coupled with the Iraq-Afghanistan energy and attention suck, that allow these events to pass almost unnoticed. Yet this pipeline is in a far better position to strike the United States than the Sunni terrorist structures operating out of Afghanistan.

We can see how they are funded, and that there is a clear interest in expansion. What we don’t see is many people paying attention.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Obama and the free handouts to illegals.

This post is about Obama and the free handouts to illegals.
Below is a email I received from News Max


Obama's campaign is trying to stop our TV ad from running!

We have struck a real nerve.

On Friday four broadcast television stations in the key battleground stations have contacted us and said the Obama camp is denying a key allegation in one of our hard-hitting TV ads.

They even demanded that the stations stop running our TV ad.

As you know, we at the Republican National Trust PAC are spearheading the effort to expose Obama as the radical he is and defeat him on Election Day.

In our TV ad we expose Obama's radical policy toward the nation's 12 million illegal aliens.

You can see the our ad "Obama Wants Social Security for Illegals" by Going Here Now.

Specifically, the Obama campaign says Obama does NOT support giving illegal aliens Social Security benefits.

It is a blatant lie — but typical of Obama.

They are clearly frightened by the National Republican Trust, our ads and the fact the the public will find out about Obama's radical agenda.

You can help us fight Obama and keep running our TV ad exposing his radicalism — Go Here Now.

In fact, Obama is not only wants to give Social Security benefits to illegals, he also backs giving them driver's licenses, free government Medicaid and health care, welfare benefits and even cheap in-state college tuition.

We have the evidence to back up our claims and are working with the stations to get our TV ad back up and running.

We are providing the station's documentation, which includes our Fact Sheet: Obama's Dismal Record on Illegal Aliens.

As our Fact Sheet reveals Obama favors granting 12 million illegals amnesty and citizenship — which makes them immediately eligible for all government benefits — including Social Security.

But Obama also voted in the Senate against an amendment which would have banned illegals getting Social Security benefits.

We have Obama nailed on this one.

Obama is doing his usual two-step: he takes one radical liberal position when voting, and now, facing a general election, pretends he is really a moderate and never held such a position.

This time he has been caught!

Please help us continue airing this ad in key battleground markets around the country.

If you needed proof we are on the right track — and we are hurting Obama and winning votes — his action to stop our ad proves that he's deeply worried about our campaign.

Send Obama a message: he can't stop us.

Take a moment to donate today and make a difference — Go Here Now.

The race is tightening. Every vote will count. Every dollar we raise can make a difference!

Thank you.

Scott Wheeler
Executive Director

Election Time-where are the Republicians?

ok,we`re in the final home stretch.Many polls show Obama in the lead,some by double digits..I think they are exaggerating the polls.Obama and his bunch are a lying and arrogant lot.He has lied about mostly everything and the media don`t gig him on it.Well,one does,Fox News,but they are not doing enough in my opinion.They are too nice.Question?
Why hasn`t more Republicans helped John McCain?

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Welcome Aboard!

Welcome.Here you will find views from an American Patriot.You may agree or disagree with them.Fine.I do not claim to know everything,but some things I do know.
The purpose of this blog is to get the word out about how the enemies from without and from within this good Country are trying to destroy our way of life.